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At a Glance

These reports are concise and convenient collections of frequently requested information including student headcount, new student enrollment, retention and graduation rates, degrees awarded, full-time faculty, student/faculty ratio, cost of attendance, and more.

Tableau Factbook

The Factbook is a profile of °®Ç鵺ÂÛ̳ — a snapshot of official census counts, taken four weeks into the Fall semester.

DHE Data Center

Every year we send data to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and they put it into the DHE Data Center to evaluate how °®Ç鵺ÂÛ̳ compares to other institutions regarding a number of factors on a state and national level. to see how °®Ç鵺ÂÛ̳ is doing on things like Access and Affordability, Success and Completion Rates, Equity and Student Demographics, and much more.

College Scorecard

The gives a snapshot of institutions regarding things such as the average annual cost and debt, fields of study, graduation rates, and even post-graduation statistics.