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Our Faculty - Philosophy


Dr. James Pearson smiling, balding with short gray hair, wearing large black rimmed glasses and a white t-shirt

Dr. James Pearson

Professor and Department Chair of Philosophy
Headshot photo of Professor Eric Aldieri with very short brown hair and mustache wearing navy blue jersey with white trim collar in front of tall green bushes

Dr. Eric Aldieri

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Gal Kober

Dr. Gal Kober

Professor of Philosophy and FLR Coordinator
Aeon Skoble

Dr. Aeon J. Skoble

Bartlett Chair in Free Speech and Expression; Professor of Philosophy; Co-coordinator of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Faculty Emeriti

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Dr. Ed James

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy

Part-Time Faculty

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Dr. Jesse Hughes

Part-Time Faculty
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Anthony Jannotta

Part-Time Faculty
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Jeremy Langill

Part-Time Faculty
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Dermot Luddy

Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Daniel Maceo Méndez

Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Jennifer Mogg

Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. James Oldfield

Part-Time Faculty
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James Patten

Part-Time Faculty
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Randall Rose

Part-Time Faculty
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Joseph Spencer

Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Jerry Steinhofer

Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Kent Wallace

Part-Time Faculty
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Dr. Steven Yamamoto

Part-Time Faculty