The °®Ç鵺ÂÛ̳ Observatory was re-built during the summer of 2011, and currently houses a 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain as its main research instrument in addition to more than a dozen other telescopes.
Research Equipment
Telescope: Celestron 14" EdgeHD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Camera: Apogee Alta CCD camera and filter wheel
Mount: Paramount ME Robotic Telescope System with Paramount ME/MX Permanent Pier
This German equatorial mount has a weight capacity of 150 lbs, and carries the main telescope in the dome.
Outreach Equipment
- 8 x 8" Celetron EdgeHD Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes (outside the dome on stationary piers and/or portable mounts)
- Coronado Personal Solar Telescope (safe viewing of the Sun).
- 6 x 8" Dobsonian Telescopes
- TeleVue NP127is 5" f/5.2 Nagler-Petzval Apochromatic Refractor
- TeleVue 101mm, f/5.4, APO Nagler-Petzval Refractor
- 2 x Unitron Refractors
- Mallincam Color Video CCD (Provides capability for displaying deep sky objects such as galaxies and nebulae in color on a monitor, and in real time)
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II DSLR
- 5 x Losmandy GM 8 Equatorial Mounts
- 4 x iOptron MiniTower Pro GOTO Systems
Eye Pieces
- TeleVue 41mm 2" Panoptic
- Set of 1 1/4" Parfocal Brandon eyepieces
- Set of TeleVue Plossls
- Set of TeleVue Radians