Improve Children’s Literacy with a Master’s in Reading from °®Ç鵺ÂÛ̳
In the United States, 65% of fourth graders read below grade level. This contributes to a staggering 8,000 students dropping out of high school every day, according to the nonprofit Reading Is Fundamental.
A °®Ç鵺ÂÛ̳ master’s in reading education can help you acquire the skills to interrupt this decline. Housed in our Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, our master’s in reading programs focus on literacy development, assessment and instruction of students with diverse learning and literacy needs.
Our Master of Education in reading and literacy program (MEd, Reading Specialist K–12) is built on a 50-year legacy of augmenting the professional development and intellectual growth of educators.
Prepare to fine tune your literacy education skills or take on new roles in education with a master’s degree in reading from °®Ç鵺ÂÛ̳. Our challenging curriculum will bridge theory and practice, foster values of diversity and help you grow as an educator, no matter your professional goals.